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2018-05-23 21:36 | Report Abuse

Between Russia, MINUSCA(UN), CAR Government, and other powers in the Central African Republic, rebels will be dealt with sooner than later.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President,

It is a pleasure to welcome you to St Petersburg.

I would like to thank you for coming to the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

At the outset, I would like to recall that our country was one of the first to recognise the independence of the Central African Republic.

In the 1960s and 70s, specialists from our country worked in many spheres in your country, dozens of highly qualified specialists in many fields. Over 500 people were trained in Russia and managed to apply the knowledge and skills they received to develop their homeland.

Later, for many reasons our cooperation was, if not completely curtailed, stuck at a rather low level. We will be happy to consider various plans to boost our relations, first of all in the economic and humanitarian fields, including personnel training.

I am happy to see you, Mr President, and hope that today we will manage to find areas where we can work together to advance our relations.

President of the Central African Republic Faustin Archange Touadera (retranslated): Thank you very much, Mr President.

I am most grateful to you personally and the Government of the Russian Federation for the invitation. It is a great honour for me to take part in the St Petersburg Economic Forum.

You mentioned the very important historical cooperation between our country and the Russian Federation in the 1960s and 1970s. In these periods, our contacts were much closer.

You spoke about personnel training. Some students received education in the Soviet Union, while others studied in our country. For example, I studied at home but my teachers were Russian, which illustrates the very high level our relations were at.

I am very happy to be here at your invitation. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to enhance our cooperation in many areas. I believe we can map out ways, areas and means for more active cooperation. You mentioned the economy and humanitarian contacts and I agree with you.

Today our country is among the least developed but we have huge potential. I think participation in the economic forum will allow us to tell its participants about this potential and the business and economic opportunities opening up in our country.

I went to Sochi on October 7 and saw that there is an opportunity for large-scale partnership based on trust between our countries.

I would like to once again thank you, Mr President, the entire Government and the people of the Russian Federation for your support in the process of consolidation and reconciliation in our country.

Incidentally, recently a Russian convoy covered a very difficult route from the East to the West in the framework of such partnership. Its goal was to set up mobile hospitals that will render simply invaluable support to our population that is currently in a very difficult humanitarian situation.

We have big expectations for potential economic and humanitarian exchanges. We will discuss ways of promoting our cooperation.


2018-05-23 14:37 | Report Abuse

Based on the recent news from Axmin Inc, the government, UN, and other global support will help the company get this project back hopefully sometime this year. Right now AXM stock value is based solely on the royalty payment earnings multiple and has not given any value towards the CAR asset, or future Senegal royalty targets. Thus making AXM severly undervalued.

Project Link:


2018-05-23 14:00 | Report Abuse

Looks as if this fund has started accumulating Axmin Inc. shares. The cutoff was March 31st 2018 for Q1, but their Q2 should be out sometime this summer. Doesn't make sense for a fund with $550 million USD to only pick up 240,000 shares of a small cap. Their other holdings are between $100K to $20 million each, so I suspect more will be purchased. Keep in mind that AXM insiders currently own 85 of the 130.5 million common shares.


2018-05-17 17:47 | Report Abuse

AXM.V Year End Results. (Finacials + MD&A) Ending December 31st 2017
All Information Can Be Found On

Price: $0.14
Common Shares: 130,497,381
Options: 8,240,000
Insider/Institutional Holdings: 82,089,114 – 63%

Financials For 2017 – All Numbers Are In USD. 2016 Comparison Numbers Added
Multiply By 1.28 To Get CAD Value

Cash: $1,115,331 (2016 - $270,238)
Receivables: $610,477 (2016 - $133,799)
Prepaid Expenses: $12,934 (2016 - $12,084)
Total Assets: $1,738,742 (2016 - $516,121)

Accounts Payable: $2,440,820 (2016 - $2,448,203)
Amounts Due To Related Parties: $190,355 (2016 - $180,979)
Liabilities Of Discontinued Operations: $323,103 (2016 - $323,103)
Total Liabilities: $2,954,278 (2016 - $2,952,285)

Royalty Income: $1,585,578
G&A Expenses: $388,268
Net Income: $1,141,752

2017 Net Income Converted Into Earnings

$1,141,752USD X 1.28CAD = $1,461,443 CAD earnings for 2017
$1,461,443 / 130,497,381 = $0.011 cents earnings per share in CAD

MD&A Highlights


Central African Republic – Passendro Gold Project

The Company’s primary asset is the Passendro gold project, which is situated in the centre of a 25-year Mining License (355 sq km) that was awarded to AXMIN in August 2010. At the same time, the Company was also awarded two, three-year renewable Exploration Licenses, Bambari 1 and 2 (1,240 sq km), which ring fence the Mining License and cover a 90 km strike along the highly prospective Bambari greenstone belt.

November 28, 2016, the Minister of Mines, Energy and Hydraulics of the CAR issued the Ministerial Order No 246/16/MMEH/DIRCAB/DGMD, giving an Exemption Certificate of one (1) year for exploration and research of the primary layer of gold and others related to substances of Licenses of BAMBARI 1 and 2 to Aurafrique SARL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. The period of the Exemption is valid within duration of one year from November 28, 2016 to November 27, 2017. In 2016, the Company incurred $1,000,000 for the extension of the licenses of BAMBARI 1 and 2, which is included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities in consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2016.

On March 26, 2018, the Minister of Mining and Geology issued an executive order No 032/18/MMG/DIRCAB/DGM to grant Aurafrique SARL an extension period of exemption from exploration and research for one (1) year, running from March 22, 2018 to March 21, 2019.

The Company through its in-country staff have maintained close communications with senior ministers and officials in Bangui and also in Bambari which is the closest city to the Company’s asset near Ndassima. AXMIN’s country manager Mr Boubacar Sidbe recently meet with the Vice Mayor of Bambari and Sub-prefect to discuss the situation on the ground and express the Company’s desire to get back on site. Meetings have also been held with the Mining Minister and Chief of the Office of the Head of State. AXMIN remains confident that stability will eventually return to the country and that the Company will be well positioned and ready to work with the elected government of the CAR to develop a pragmatic mining plan focusing on the extremely high-grade deposits that will be safe for our employees and contractors, have limited capital expenditure and hopefully achieve very profitable returns in a very timely fashion for shareholders.

As of the date of this report, operations at Passendro remain suspended and although the Company continues to maintain a presence in the CAR (through its administrative office and permanently stationed employees in Bangui) and relationship with the State in the CAR, the Company is unable to predict when it will be able to resume its operations at Passendro for the foreseeable future, if at all. As a result, impairment in the amount of $37,346,576 was recognized at December 31, 2013 on exploration and evaluation (“E&E”) assets for the Bambari properties to reflect the decrease in their recoverable value as of result of the current unstable situation in CAR. As at December 31, 2017, given that impairment was recognized and the unstable condition remains the same, the residual value of E&E assets for the Passendro gold project was written down to $nil in 2016.

This impairment recognized in the financial statements does not in any way mean that the Company is relinquishing its rights to the assets and it reflects the utmost conservative view by management on the objective circumstances and will be reviewed annually and subject to recovery when certain conditions are met pursuant to the accounting standards the Company has adopted.

Senegal Joint Venture

With regarding of Axmin owned 20% interest in the Sounkouko and Heremokono explorations permits, on June 18, 2015, in addition to its royalty interest of 1.5% NSR in the Gora Target Area, AXMIN has elected to convert its 20% interests in another 15 Target Areas into a 1.5% NSR from each Target Area. On Januar


2018-05-17 17:45 | Report Abuse

Canaf Group Inc Q1 2018 Financial Results + Management Highlights
(All Information Taken From SEDAR)

Price: $0.11
Common Shares: 47,426,195
Options/Warrants: Nil
Insider Holdings: 15,391,328 or 32.5% as per

Financials (All in US Dollars – Should Be Converted into CDN Dollars for accurate value)

Cash: $394,520
Trade Receivables: $2,678,248
Sales Tax Receivable: $17,942
Inventories: $895,361
Prepaid Expenses: $31,114
Property & Equipment: $1,172,010
Intangible: $1
Total Assets: $5,189,196 USD

Trade & Other Payables: $2,211,185
Income Tax Payable: $119,979
Current Portion Of Bank Loan: $310,819
Remaining Portion Of Bank Loan: $85,760
Total Liabilities: $2,727,743

Asset/Debt Ratio: 1.9:1

Q1 2018 Sales
Revenue: $3,273,213
Quarterly Net Income: 552,815 USD - $707,440 CAD

Q1-Q4 2017 Sales
Revenue: $10,699,117
Yearly Net Income: $439,664 USD - $562,640 CAD

Management Discussion Highlights From Q1 2018


The results above shows the sale recovery and demand of the Corporation’s product which started in Q3, 2016. Sales for the three month period ended January 31, 2018 increased by 45% in comparison to the previous quarter and is expected to increase by a further 40% in Q2, as more confidence returns to the markets. (Page 5)

The outlook and profitability of the Corporation remains strong and the Corporation expects to continue to generate positive free cash flow during the fiscal year-end 2018 and, as it accumulates cash and reduces its gearing and increases its efficiencies, will continue to look at investment in related business opportunities in South Africa, a country which many now regard with a very positive outlook

The three month period ended 31 January 2018 saw the Corporation continue to recover from significantly reduced sales between mid-2015 to mid-2016, when depressed global commodity prices affected the Corporation’s customers negatively.

Revenue for the three month period was $3,273,213 (2017 - $2,991,706) a $281,507, 9% increase, and the Corporation returned to profitability with net comprehensive income for three month period ended January 31, 2018 of $552,815 (2017 - $198,221) a $354,594, 179% favourable variance. The results reflect the previously reported turnaround from increased demand with sales remaining strong.

During the quarter, Southern Coal experienced a further increase in demand from its customers, in comparison to that of Q4, 2017 and the Corporation can confirm that Q2, 2018 will reflect a further increase to Southern Coal’s maximum capacity.

The Corporation also remains focused on completing a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (“B-BBEE”) transaction for Southern Coal, by mid-June 2018. The B-BBEE is a form of economic empowerment initiated by the South African government with the goal to distribute wealth across as broad a spectrum of previously disadvantaged South African society as possible. A new partner has been identified and initial terms of the agreement, which will remain much the same as the previously agreed transaction, will most probably be announced by the end of April 2018. The Corporation remains confident that it will achieve its B-BBEE goals during the current fiscal year and we remain optimistic of the opportunities that will arise from such a transaction.

The Corporation reported net income o f $187,126 (2017 - $197,691) a $10,565 unfavourable variance of over the previous period. The reduction in GM and profit are due to increased feedstock costs in Q1 and a one month delay in the corresponding sale price increase, a general increase in maintenance cost and investment into B-BBEE training projects in Q1 which represent approximately 75% of the projected annual spend for B-BBEE

The Corporation has an agreement to lease premises for its coal processing plant in South Africa for a term of ten years, expiring on December 31, 2020. The agreement offers the Corporation, in lieu of rent, feedstock coal to be delivered to its adjacent premises, which it purchases at market price. Should the Corporation decide to purchase feedstock coal from an alternative supplier which the lessor is otherwise able to provide, then a monthly rent of Rand 200,000 ($16,819) is payable. To date, the Corporation has not been required to pay any rent for the premises as it has continued to purchase feedstock coal from the landlord.

The bank loan bears interest at 10.25% per annum, matures on January 7, 2019, and is secured by the Company’s furnace acquired with the proceeds from the loan. The bank loan is repayable in blended monthly payments of Rand 391,624 ($32,934 translated at January 31, 2018 exchange rate)). During the three month period ended January 31, 2018, the Company incurred interest expense totaling $Nil (January 31, 2017 – $15,322).


2018-05-17 17:44 | Report Abuse

TNA Earns $1.5 Million USD In Q1 2018

TNA.V Q1 2018 Results (Ending March 31st 2018)
All Numbers Are In US Dollars. Information from SEDAR

Price: $0.20
Common Shares: 124,716,865
Insider/Institutional Holdings: 95,967,855 or 77.51%


Property & Equipment: $8,916,932
Goodwill: $6,435,481
Trademarks: $1,185,000
Game License: $55,467
Deposits: $36,678
Inventories: $170,905
Receivable: $19,963
Other Assets: $93,404
Restricted Cash: $3,326,656
Cash: $8,431,973
Total Assets: $28,672,459

Deferred Tax: $279,000
Notes Payable: $5,504,185
Trade Payable: $6,013,996
Current Note Payable: $275,647
Total Liabilities: $12,072,828

Q1 2018 Performance
Sales: $10,174,943
Net Income: $1,482,979

Earnings per share in Q1: $1,482,979 * 1.30(CAD) / 124,716,865 = $0.0155c EPS
Prior Quarters - Revenue Breakdown per quarter

Date – Sales – Net Income
2014 - $30,555,757 - $2,720,669 USD
2015 - $33,338,543 - $3,933,883 USD
2016 - $33,187,853 - $1,909,408 USD
2017 - $35,609,459 - $3,032,901 USD
2018 - $10,174,943 - $1,482,979 USD

Management Discussion Highlights

Net revenues for the quarter ended March 31, 2018 were $10,174,943, an increase of $1,944,969 compared to the same period in the prior year. Table games revenue increased by approximately $1,381,000 as a result of gaming dollars dropped being 21.1% higher than the same period last year, and the hold percentage was up slightly by .1%. Poker revenue increased by approximately $456,000 as a result of making the Palace Lakewood all poker tables effective February 1, 2018. Operating expenses were $8,245,859 in the quarter ended March 31, 2018 compared to $7,620,589 in the prior year quarter. Labor and benefits expenses decreased slightly by approximately $11,000. This decrease was primarily due to the closure of the Palace Tukwila that took place on February 4, 2017. The decrease was offset by the increase in the minimum wage that went from $11.00 to $11.50 effective January 1, 2018. Marketing and administrative increased approximately $356,000 which was primarily due to marketing expenses increasing approximately $420,000 offset by a decrease in management fees of $75,000. The increase in marketing expenses consisted of $207,000 at the Palace Lakewood and $213,000 at the other locations. The Palace Lakewood increase was the result of promoting the location as an all poker facility. The management expenses decreased as the result of terminating the management agreement with Michels Management Services effective December 31, 2017. Gaming taxes and license expenses increased approximately $215,000 as a result of the increased gaming revenue.

The Company’s cash at March 31, 2018 was $11,758,629, compared to $10,043,965 at December 31, 2017. These amounts include “Restricted Cash” balances of $3,326,656 and $2,975,946 respectively. “Restricted Cash” balances are jackpot funds held for prizes being offered at the casinos. Cash provided by operating activities for the quarter ended March 31, 2018 was $1,838,039 compared to $1,250,501 for the quarter ended March 31, 2017.

The Company’s assets at March 31, 2018 totaled $28,672,459 compared to total liabilities of $12,072,828. At December 31, 2017, total assets were $27,062,630 compared to total liabilities of $11,945,978.

Net revenue increased to $10,174,943 in the quarter ending March 31, 2017 compared to $9,413,335 in the quarter ending December 31, 2017. Gaming dollars dropped increased 3.4% in the current quarter and the hold percentage increased 0.7% compared to the quarter ending December 31, 2017. Operating expenses in the quarter ending March 31, 2018 were $8,245,859 compared to $8,394,959 in the prior quarter. Labor and benefits expense decreased approximately $112,000 in the quarter ending March 31, 2018 compared to the prior quarter. This decrease was primarily due to labor and benefits expense at Palace Lakewood decreasing approximately $154,000 as a result of converting the location to all poker on February 1, 2018.


2017-10-30 13:22 | Report Abuse

Nice article from Simply Wallstreet. Looking forward to seeing TNA's Q3 results end of November and by then their $2 million Tukwila property sale (currently pending) should be completed. I am estimating that the company will earn at least $500,000 US profit. Their Q3 is always a bit slower and I am being very conservative on the earnings, especially after making over $1 million USD last quarter. Their Q1 profit $377,000 net income but that was also hurt by Tukwila still in operation at the time.

Evergreen Gaming Corporation (TSXV:TNA)
Evergreen Gaming Corporation engages in the gaming operations in the United States. Evergreen Gaming is run by CEO Dawn Mangano. With the company’s market capitalisation at CAD CA$17.95M, we can put it in the small-cap group

TNA’s shares are currently trading at -22% beneath its true level of $0.17, at a price tag of $0.14, based on my discounted cash flow model. This mismatch signals an opportunity to buy TNA shares at a discount. In addition to this, TNA’s PE ratio stands at 7.2x compared to its hotels, restaurants and leisure peer level of 19.4x, indicating that relative to its comparable company group, we can invest in TNA at a lower price. TNA is also in good financial health, with short-term assets covering liabilities in the near future as well as in the long run. It’s debt-to-equity ratio of 52% has been diminishing for the past few years demonstrating TNA’s ability to pay down its debt.


2017-10-17 15:47 | Report Abuse

Washington State Card Room & Casino Statistics Sheet

**Note** - As per WSGC website, due to staffing shortages, Q4 2016 is the most recent statistics from card rooms that they have.

At the end of 2016 there were 65 card room casinos in the state of Washington. Dawn Mangano joined Evergreen Gaming Corporation in June 2017.

TNA Casinos – Riverside, Palace, Goldies, Chips,
Dawn Mangano Prior Casinos – Macau, Caribbean(Casino & Card Room)

Statistics Link:

Out of 65, this is where TNA’s and Dawn’s casinos ranked:

Dawn’s Prior Casinos:
Macau Casino - #3 of 65
Caribbean Casino - #8 of 65
Caribbean Card Room - #42 of 65

Evergreen Gaming Casinos:
Riverside Casino - #6 of 65
Goldies Casino - #11 of 65
Palace Casino - #16 of 65
Chips Casino - #23 of 65

What this shows is Dawn Mangano was able to run casinos quite well and out of the 65 listed on the sheet, two of them placed under 10. Compared to Evergreen Gaming which only had one placed under 10. Three quarters have gone by and things could be different, but I believe Dawn will play a huge role in Evergreen Gaming’s growth.

Another important note since some individuals have been worried about online gambling being a hindrance to Evergreen’s growth:

Internet Gambling Prohibited In Washington:


2017-10-07 18:54 | Report Abuse

Evergreen Gaming Corporation Q2 Results(Ending June 30th 2017)
All Information Can Be Found On SEDAR –

Price: $0.13
Common Shares: 124,716,865
Insider/Institutional Holdings: 95,967,855 or 77.51%
Retail Shares Available: 28,749,010 or 22.49%

Financials + MD&A – All in US Dollars


Cash: $4,499,410
Restricted Cash: $2,283,216
Other Assets: $176,317
Accounts Receivable: $116,259
Inventory: $176,643
Deposits: $10,551
Game License: $63,267
Trademarks: $1,185,000
Goodwill: $6,435,481
Property & Equipment: $10,549,240
TOTAL ASSETS: $25,495,384

Notes Payable(Mortgages): $6,673,081
Trade Payables: $4,616,249
Notes Payable: $389,357
Deferred Tax: $348,000

Asset/Debt Ratio: 2.12:1

Note: Pending Sale of Tukwila Casino For $2 million USD -

Quarterly Sales Results

Year - Sales - Net Income – EPS (Earnings Per Share)
2014 - $30,555,757 - $2,720,669 - $0.02c EPS - Not converted into CAD yet
2015 - $33,338,543 - $3,933,883 - $0.03c EPS - Not converted into CAD yet
2016 - $33,326,624 - $1,909,408 - $0.015c EPS - Not converted into CAD yet
2017(Q1) - $8,229,974 - $337,347 - $0.003c EPS – Not converted into CAD yet
2017(Q2) - $8,513,288 - $1,047,878 - $0.008c EPS – Not converted into CAD yet

MD&A Highlights

Evergreen is in the business of overseeing the gaming operations of its principal U.S. subsidiary, Washington Gaming, Inc. (“WGI”).
Net revenue for the quarter ended June 30, 2017 was $9,411,453, an increase of $1,025,705 compared to the same period in the prior year. Gaming dollars dropped were 5% higher than the prior year quarter and the hold percentage increased .7%. The income from operations was $1,654,640 compared to $1,134,414 in the prior year quarter. This increase was due to the increase in net revenues offset by an increase in operating expenses of $505,479. The labor and benefit expenses increased due to an increase in the minimum wage and marketing expenses increased to generate more revenue.

Net income before taxes was $1,564,515 compared to $1,003,841 in the same quarter of 2016, a $560,674 increase. The increase was due to the higher income from operations and lower finance costs due to paying off outstanding indebtedness.

Working capital at June 30, 2017 was $2,246,239 compared to working capital of $1,744,546 at December 31, 2016. With sustained healthy revenues and ongoing game protection and expense controls, management expects continued profitable operations sufficient to exceed the cash demands necessary for the company to meet its future obligations.

The Company’s assets at June 30, 2017 totaled $25,495,384 compared to total liabilities of $12,026,687. At December 31, 2016, total assets were $23,922,129 compared to total liabilities of $11,838,378.

The Company’s cash at June 30, 2017 was $6,782,626, compared to $4,563,587 at December 31, 2016. These amounts include “Restricted Cash” balances of $2,283,216 and $914,071 respectively. “Restricted Cash” balances are jackpot funds held for prizes being offered at the casinos. Cash provided by operating activities for the quarter ended June 30, 2017 was $2,212,808 compared to $892,469 for the quarter ended June 30, 2016.

The operating results for the quarter ending June 30, 2017 showed a substantial improvement from the quarter ending March 31, 2017. Net revenues increased to $9,411,453 compared to $8,229,974 in the prior quarter. This increase was attributable to an 11% increase in gaming dollars dropped and a .6% increase in the hold percentage. Income from operations increased to $1,654,640 in the second quarter compared to $609,385 in the prior quarter. This was due to the increase in net revenues offset by a $136,224 increase in operating expenses. This was primarily due to an increase in gaming taxes as a result of additional gaming revenue.

Historically, the Company’s sources of funding have been debt and equity financing and cash flow from operations. As of June 30, 2017, the Company had arm’s length debt of $7,062,438, all related to mortgages, including the acquisition of the Lakewood property. Related party debt totalling $832,553 which was owed to Michels Development for the note from Goldies in Shoreline was paid in full in the second quarter.

At June 30, 2017, the Company had cash of $6,782,626 and net working capital of $2,246,239. Total debt payments of $926,451 were made during the second quarter. The monthly debt service cash requirement is just under $58,000.